10ten – the better life.

This is a gap-year programme for school-leavers and those taking a year off from starting their studies. We believe what John 10:10 says that God’s heart for each one of us is that we can have real and eternal life – a better life than we could ever have dreamt of! We know that this is found when we lose ourselves to God. As you take time to navigate your next steps in terms of studies and career, 10ten is an opportunity to dig deeper in your love for Him through giving of your time, talent, and treasure.

It is a 10-month full-time programme with a key focus on digging deeper: in our faith (love for God), leadership and practical skills. It is a space to explore and gain a better understanding of who you are, through exploring your personality profile and gifting. A team of leaders will invest in the 10ten team, focusing on their leadership development, spiritual growth, personal development, and practical skills. There will be an opportunity for personal coaching with regards to choosing a career, as well as gaining experience in presentation, and facilitation skills. Other forums for growth include attendance at leadership gatherings.

Preferred Age Bracket: 18 years – 20 years

Key serving area: Their key serving area is Next Gen – kids and teens who attend our Friday evening and Sunday programmes and our local schools.

Time commitment:

Sunday – Thursday, off day on Friday

A typical week includes connection time, check ins, service meetings, school break time connections and school assemblies, prayer meetings and focused development times. 10ten members serve at our Friday night Next Gen programmes as well as Sunday services, and church events such as Next Gen conferences, camps, holiday club etc.

Someone interested in joining the 10ten team:
Should be committed to deepening their love for God and for people. Understanding that we follow Jesus’ example, and as Mark 10:45 says “for even the Son of Man came not to be served but serve others”. You will benefit through giving of yourself – having a lasting impact on others through serving. 10ten team will have regular serving opportunities in various areas of ministry and should be willing to learn from their leaders and keen participants in their self-development. You can expect to grow in your love for God, and love for people, to learn, to be challenged, and stretched.

Cost: R8500 for the year which may be paid in 10 monthly installments of R850.

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Edge Church

Edge Church – a place where you belong. We're a God-first, fun-filled family who loves well.