Sundays Services 08h30 & 10h30
At Edge Church & Livestreamed Online
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Anchored in Matthew 6:33, Jesus reminds us to seek His Kingdom first—aligning our lives, priorities, and purpose with His mission to Love God, Love People, and Change the World.
Join us, starting Sunday 9 February as we explore what it means to Belong to Jesus, Be Made New by Jesus, Become like Jesus, and Do what Jesus did.
Are you ready to live For The Kingdom?
27 January to 9 February

We all need a place where we belong. Have you been attending church for a while and want to find out more about who we are and how we do things around here?
Do you want to make Edge Church your spiritual home?
Our next Welcome Home Dinner is happening on Tuesday, 11 February. Kids' Care is available too. Sign up below to book your spot!

The Next Generation has always been the heart and passion of Edge Church! We’re passionate about each child, teenager, student and young adult growing in their relationship with God and living a life that encourages others. Click here to find out more about our Next Generation at Edge Church.

loving people in our community

Serving our community in love by providing meal assistance. Matthew 25:35-40: we are called to be Jesus' hands and feet to our community.
- Do you have a passion for food and serving others? Then we want you to join our team!
- Do you need meal assistance? Loss of a loved one, new parent, financial instability, sickness or surgery?
Click here for more information.

Our Home Maintenance Team provides minor home repair services for widows, homebound, the elderly and other individuals with identified needs.
- Do you have the necessary skills to provide minor home repairs? Then we want you to join our team!
- Do you need some assistance with your minor home repairs? We would love to be able to assist with these repairs.
Click here for more information.

Jeremiah 29:11 – To show job seekers and the unemployed across all job sectors that God has a plan and a future for them by reminding them of their identity, increase self-awareness and empower with skills required to navigate the job market and to build self-agency.
- Do you have the necessary skill to support those who are seeking employment? Then we want you to join our team!
- Do you need Career Support? Are you unemployed, need some assistance with your CV or brush up on your interview skills? These are just some of the ways we would love to be able to support you.
Click here for more information.

Contact us to get connected,
join a life group or serve
at Edge Church!