Dear Life Group Leaders,

Edge Church’s 2025 vision, “For the Kingdom,” is a call to align our lives with God’s Kingdom priorities: Love God, Love People, and Change the World. This summary provides insights and practical steps for living out this vision, anchored in Matthew 6:33.

Preparing for Group Time:

  • Two-Week Plan: You have two weeks to explore and apply this material. Plan intentionally and allow time for personal reflection.
  • Prayer-Focused: Let discussions lead naturally into prayer, ensuring prayer remains central in your meetings.
  • Life Application: Highlight a section or theme from the summary notes or devotional to discuss and pray over in the group.

Questions for Reflection:

  • What stood out or resonated with you?
  • What challenges you in prioritising the call to seek His Kingdom first?

Thank you for leading your group with care and intentionality. Praying for you as you commit to seek His Kingdom first in all you do.

Edge Church Leadership Team

Vision Sunday: For The Kingdom

Preacher: Daniel Erasmus

For the Kingdom – Edge Church’s vision for 2025 – is more than just a catchy phrase. At its core it is about shaping our lives, our priorities and our hearts around the truth of God’s Kingdom. Living for the Kingdom means aligning ourselves with His mission: loving God, loving people and changing the world.

Anchored in Matthew 6:33, Jesus provides us with a roadmap on living for the Kingdom: “Seek first God’s kingdom and what God wants. Then all your other needs will be met as well.” Here, Jesus is calling us to completely realign our lives around what truly matters. It is not merely adding God to our to-do list but making His Kingdom the foundation of every aspect of our lives. He assures us that when we prioritise His Kingdom, all our other needs will be met.

  1. Shifting from Self-Security to Kingdom Security

    This requires us to shift our focus from seeking security in the world to securing our hearts in God’s Kingdom. We are called to move beyond our natural instinct of self-protection and instead live in a way that prioritises God’s love and purposes. The security Jesus offers in the Kingdom lies in trusting God’s provision and living a life of love, even when it requires stepping out of our comfort zones.

    Like Adam and Eve, we are faced with a choice to live in God’s abundant world, trusting in His wisdom and care or relying on our own understanding and living in insecurity and fear. Self-security means living from place of fear and scarcity, whereas Kingdom security allows us to live from a place of faith and abundance, trusting His will for our lives.
  1. Choosing love over survival
    Living for the Kingdom means that we are called to follow Jesus’ example as we cling to love and not survival. A survival mentality limits us to on focus on what’s immediately in front of us, but that is not what Jesus desires for us – rather is it to live our lives with purpose and on mission, keeping eternity in mind. Jesus Himself lived in this way, consistently choosing to love – living His life for others – rather than survival because He had eternity in mind.

    Jesus tells us that when we seek His Kingdom first, “Then all your other needs will be met as well.” He is not promising instant provision but rather about the long-term, eternal fulfilment of God’s promise.

Practically what does living for the Kingdom mean for our church and our own lives?

  1. Belong to Jesus
    Like Jesus calls to the crowd in Mark 8:34-36, He calls us to follow Him. This means letting go of control and surrendering our lives to Jesus’ will and His way. It also means spending time with Him daily.
  2. Be Made New by Jesus
    While salvation brings forgiveness, being made new by Jesus is an ongoing process. At salvation, all our sins – past and future – are paid for, however, transformation may take time. To be made new by Jesus, 1 John 1:9 tells us that we need to confess our sins to God for forgiveness, while James 5:16 instructs us that we need to confess our sins to God’s people for healing. This is why we value Life Groups – a space to be honest, experience grace and grow.
  3. Become like Jesus
    Our discipleship journey involves growing to reflect Christ in every area of our lives. This requires:
    • Developing spiritual disciplines such as being in the Word, prayer, and faithfully attending church.
    • Discovering and using our spiritual gifts, because focusing on what God has called us to do aligns our disciplines grows us as disciples.
  4. Do What Jesus Did
    Jesus focused on two things: He reached lost people and served others. In Matthew 4:18-19, Jesus tells us that living for the Kingdom means we fish (reach the lost), and we serve. Living for the Kingdom is not just about me and what is comfortable but about reaching the lost by sharing the love and grace of God with them, and joyfully serving them (John 15:8,11).

Our mission statement: Love God, love people, change the world.
Our culture statement: Take your place in a fun-filled loving family that puts God first, builds real relationships and takes hope to the world.
For the Kingdom is not just about us, but rather we are building for the future – for God’s Kingdom. We are called to seek His Kingdom first in everything we do, to trust His provision, live generously and to love others as Jesus loves us.

Questions to reflect on:

  • What resonated for you?
  • What challenged you?
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Edge Church

Edge Church – a place where you belong. We're a God-first, fun-filled family who loves well.