Rooted: Living Transformed (Week 1)

Preacher: Daniel Erasmus

As you spend time in worship this week, listen to Tend by Bethel Music. As you make room for God to be the gardener of your heart, allow Him the space to cut back what is overgrown and prune you to produce much fruit.

Share with the group something that stood out to you from this past Sunday’s message.

Synopsis of message:
This past Sunday, Pastor Daniel shared how this series was birthed from the following fundamental question: Am I rooted and secure in Christ? From this, he shared that being rooted in God means that there is transformation. There are three truths about transformation:

  1. The Gospel means change. Transformation isn’t brought forth by our religious practices. Instead, God is trying to change us internally, making us a new creation in Christ (2 Corinthians 5: 17).
  2. God loves us as we are, but He loves us too much to leave us that way. Jesus is full of both
    grace and truth (John 1: 14). His grace invites us to be set free, but the truth is what sets us free.
  3. If I’m not changing, I might not really know God. 1 John 1: 6-10 shows us that we cannot deceive ourselves by believing that we are without sin. When we are rooted in Christ, we enable the Holy Spirit to come into every aspect of our lives, acknowledging our sin and allowing Him to transform us.

From these three truths, Pastor Daniel left us with the following three actions to enable transformation to take place within us:

  1. Get past who we were and focus on who God wants us to become.
  2. Give God permission to change everything.
  3. Allow the change to begin today.

Discussion questions:

  1. What area in your life can you identify that you need the Holy Spirit to transform you in?
  2. Share with the group which action step you feel most challenged by and why.
  3. What practical steps can you take to invite the Holy Spirit to transform you in the next week?

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Edge Church

Edge Church – a place where you belong. We're a God-first, fun-filled family who loves well.