HOLY SPIRIT: Not just any Power: Holy Spirit Power (Week 2)
Preacher: Daniel Erasmus
We encourage you to listen to That’s the power by Hillsong Worship during your quiet time this week. Meditate on the lyrics and allow the Holy Spirit to minister to you.
Share with the group if you have experienced God’s Ruach/Pneuma (wind of the Holy Spirit) in any area of your life in the last week.
Synopsis of message: Not just any Power: Holy Spirit Power
This past Sunday, Pastor Daniel shared how the Holy Spirit gives us power. In Acts 1: 8, Jesus told His followers: “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you.” The word ‘power’ comes from the Greek word ‘dunamis’, which means ‘a force’, ‘miraculous power’ or the ‘explosive power of God’. We are here today, declaring the Lordship of Christ in churches all around the world because the Holy Spirit empowered very ordinary people (just like us) and gave them the power to share the gospel to unbelievers all over the world. That same powerful Spirit of God is available today to all who believe.
There are four distinct qualities that the power of the Holy Spirit wants to give to all of us. The Holy Spirit empowers us:
- To share Christ boldly (1 Corinthians 2: 4-5). The Holy Spirit empowers us to share the message of Christ in a life-transforming way. Follow the prompting of the Holy Spirit. He will give you the words to say.
- When we are weak (Romans 8: 26). The Holy Spirit helps us and gives us power in our weakness. Ask the Holy Spirit for wisdom and strength when you need it.
- To have hope in a hopeless world (Romans 15: 13). Our hope is limited when it is placed in anything other than an unlimited God. If we put our hope in God, he can cause us to overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
- To experience all the fullness of God (Ephesians 3: 16-19). Our Christian walk is not meant to be boring, stale, outdated or without joy. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we can have constant peace that surpasses all human understanding, display the fruit of the Spirit and have supernatural strength and an unspeakable joy.
Pastor Daniel encouraged us to stop doing the Christian life in our own limited strength and to surrender to the power of the Holy Spirit.
Discussion questions:
- Have you had an occasion when the Holy Spirit empowered you to share Christ? This could be a message you heard, a scripture verse, or a meaningful song.
- When we put our hope in God, we overflow with hope through the power of the Holy Spirit. (Romans 15:13) Is there any area in your life or a situation you’re facing where you need this kind of hope?
- By receiving the power of the Holy Spirit, we can experience supernatural strength and unspeakable joy. In fact, we’re unable to live this
earthly life without the Holy Spirit’s power. Take time to pray and ask the Holy Spirit to fill you.
Prayer: Holy Spirit will you fill us, touch us and move freely in this place. Empower us, ordinary Christians to live extraordinary Spirit-filled lives. Come rule and reign in our lives. Help us to overcome our fleshly desires and to fully surrender to your power, that we may please you and live for you in every way.
Close off Life Group by praying for each other where they need hope and trusting God for a breakthrough. Go around praying for the person on your left.
Additional resources:
- The Power of The Holy Spirit (bible.com)
- Holy Spirit: Are We Flammable Or Fireproof? (bible.com)