HOLY SPIRIT: Breath of Life (Week 1)

Preacher: Daniel Erasmus

As you spend time in worship this week, listen to Great Are You Lord by All Sons & Daughters. We have the breath of God in our lungs. Let us pour out our praise to Him.

Share with the group what stood out from your devotions over the last week.

Synopsis of message: Breath of Life
This past Sunday, Pastor Daniel started a new four-part series called the Holy Spirit. As an introduction to the Holy Spirit (or Holy Ghost), we learnt about His nature, starting with an understanding of the meaning of ‘Spirit’. In the Old Testament, the Hebrew word for Spirit (Ruach) can also be translated as ‘a wind, breath, a violent exhalation or a blast of breath’. In the New Testament, the Greek word for Spirit (Pneuma) can also be translated as ‘a current of air, a blast of breath or a strong breeze’.

Pastor Daniel showed us how the characteristics of wind in the natural parallels to the Holy Spirit to make us more comfortable with the person of the Holy Spirit. Just like wind (or air), the Holy Spirit is:

  • unseen (God’s presence was meant to be felt and experienced) (John 14: 16−17);
  • unpredictable / cannot be contained (John 3: 8);
  • powerful (Acts 1: 8); and
  • refreshing (1 Corinthians 2: 9−10).

Pastor Daniel shared the following three things that we should do to receive or experience the Holy Spirit:

  1. Let go of fears and misperceptions of the Holy Spirit. Go to God’s Word. (Proverbs 3: 5)
  2. Go all in. Experience all that God has for you. (Jeremiah 29: 13)
  3. Develop an intimate friendship with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is with us. In the benediction of 2 Corinthians 13: 14, we see the roles of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit: “The amazing grace of the Master, Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit, be with all of you.”

Some of us need God’s Ruach/Pneuma to blast fresh air into different areas of our lives. All that we need to do is to open our hearts to the person of the Holy Spirit.

Discussion questions:

  1. Did you have any misconceptions about the Holy Spirit before Sunday’s sermon?
  2. Are there any areas of your life that need God’s Ruach/Pneuma (wind of the Holy Spirit)?
  3. Which of the three steps can you take to experience the power of the Holy Spirit in your life?

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