Daniel (Season 2): Until the End of Time (Week 4)

Preacher: Pastor Daniel Erasmus

As you spend time in worship this week, listen to the song I’ve Witnessed It by Passion. We have read about God’s faithfulness in the lives of Daniel and his friends. We have witnessed God’s faithfulness in our lives, and we will see it again and again. Our faithful God is worthy of all our praise.

Reflecting on the Daniel series, share with the group one of the lessons that impacted or challenged you most.

Synopsis of message: Until the End of Time
On Sunday, Pastor Daniel concluded the Daniel series by speaking about the prophecies (Daniel’s dreams and visions), contained in Chapters 7 to 12, regarding the end times. Jesus, when teaching about the end times, validated that Daniel was a prophet and that what he said was true (Matthew 24: 15).
Most of Daniel’s prophecies have already been fulfilled. The prophecies that have not yet been fulfilled refer to the end times. Although we do not know when the end times will be, Scripture teaches us that there will be an increase in wickedness, and the gospel will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations and then the end will come. In our generation, we are seeing a rapid increase in the spreading of the gospel, but we also see a great increase in wickedness in the world around us.
Pastor Daniel also outlined the book of Revelation, which contains prophecies about the end times and makes various references to the book of Daniel.

In the end (after the rapture, the great tribulation and the other events detailed in Revelation), we will all be judged. We will have to answer a one-question test: Did you give your life to the one who gave His life for you?” Everyone whose name is found written in the book of life will be delivered (Daniel 12: 1).
If anyone’s name is not found written in the book of life, then they will be thrown into the lake of fire (Revelation 20: 15).

Pastor Daniel shared the following two points on what we should do until the time of the end:

  1. Influence as many people for Jesus while we can. We need to develop a sense of urgency like never before to be kingdom builders and develop a kingdom mindset. Having a kingdom mindset means that we are focused on doing everything we can to reach as many people for Christ as we can for as long as we can.
  2. Decide to follow God, not culture. It is always better to decide beforehand who or what you will follow. If you did not make a firm decision beforehand, it will be easier to compromise in the moment when facing a decision.

Pastor Daniel ended his sermon with the challenging question: “Am I ready for the return of Christ?”

Discussion questions:

  1. When faced with the question “Did you give your life for Christ, as He gave his life for you?” which areas of your life do you still need to surrender to God to have His way in, instead of following your own will or cultural norms?
  2. What would you do differently if you knew when Christ would return?
  3. Share with the group what you intend to do in the coming week to build God’s Kingdom and influence others for Christ.

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