Baptism Sunday: Who Am I Becoming?
Preacher: Justin Matthews
Spend an extended time in worship this week, listening to songs like Who You Say I Am – Hillsong Worship and God, You’re So Good – Passion. During this time, allow the Holy Spirit to remind you of who God says you are!
Share with the group what stood out for you from this past Sunday’s service. Were there any of the testimonies that challenged or encouraged you and why?
Synopsis of message: Who Am I Becoming?
Once we decide to follow Jesus, our discipleship journey is all about becoming; Becoming the person Jesus sees in us – even when we can’t see it in ourselves just yet. This journey continues for the rest of our lives and along the way, we may ask ourselves: Who am I becoming?
In Philippians 3:12-14; 16-17, Paul offers us three truths as encouragement as we wrestle with this question:
- Don’t look back! (v. 12-14) – God says that our best days are ahead of us! That we are made new in Him. Paul encourages us to forget our old life and to press on, as we become the person God has made us to be.
- Hold on – it takes time! (v. 16) – While the world may glamourise instant, God invites us to a life-long journey of becoming. Our journey of “becoming” is characterised by learning, failing, highs, lows and lots of ordinary moments. So we need to allow ourselves the time and space to become what God has called us to be continually.
- Who is your example? (v. 17) – Paul didn’t have life all figured out but he knew that following Jesus’ example was the answer. Reading God’s Word is vital for us to pattern our lives after Jesus. Additionally, Paul invites us to look for Godly examples in the community (LG) as we grow together, learning from each other as we become radically resilient disciples.
Discussion questions:
- Which of the three truths do you find most challenging? Share with the group what makes it difficult for you to apply this truth to your life.
- How often do you find yourself replaying past mistakes in your thoughts? Justin encouraged us (although it’s not easy) that we are to “dismiss it from our minds”. Share how you can avoid allowing your past to hold you captive.
- As we consider the question: “Who am I becoming?” Remembering that we’re a work in progress running a marathon rather than a sprint, what needs to shift in your life to reflect that you’re becoming the person God has called you to be? Commit to one thing you can apply this coming week to bring about a change.
Additional resources:
- Becoming like Jesus: Who am I? on YouVersion
- Becoming like Jesus: Spiritual Disciplines on YouVersion