More than Words: Made for Worship – (Week 2)
Preacher: Daniel Erasmus
Check-in: Share with the group what changed this week as you changed your posture towards God in these 3 areas:
- To thank Him with sincere affection.
- To offer Him control of our lives.
- To include Him in our everyday life.
Bible Readings: Isaiah 14:11-14; Genesis 1:1-2, 11, 26; Ezekiel 28:12-17; Luke 10:18; Matthew 7:21-23; Ephesians 5:31-32; John 4:23.
Preparation and Discussion for Group Time:
Ps Daniel shared with us his learnings as he looked to bring clarity around the theology of worship and how from the very beginning, we were created by God to worship Him.
- We see there were 3 arch Angels that are recorded in Scripture. Do you know what’s interesting about this list: All of heaven is represented by these three things.
- Michael – Prayer.
- Gabriel – Word.
- Lucifer – Worship.
These 3 things are present in our Sunday services, our devotional time with God, and even our Life Group Meetings. Share with the group which area you need to grow in and how you show up in each of these areas (Sundays, Devotional Time, Group).
- Read Ezekiel 28:12-17 again. God has put His anointing on our lives, He lives in us. Consider what you listen to (worshipping) and what you’re exchanging God’s anointing on your life with.
- Ps Daniel shared 3 truths with us that we can believe that God created us to worship Him.
- He made you from Him.
- God made me to be with Him.
- God made me to express love to Him.
He made us to be in relationship with Him, to worship Him. He wants our love and honour. If worship belongs to God only, what does our daily ‘worship’ (proskuneo) look like?
Check out, Worship and Prayer:
As part of the checkout and prayer time, spend some time in worship or just listen to Nothing Else by Cody Carnes, take 2 minutes in silence (put on a timer) – this may seem like a long time, but in this time consider what God is saying to you, and then pray back to God what is on your heart and mind.
Love God:
- Meditate on Mark 12:30 (NLT) “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.”
- For personal study check out the following devotions on YouVersion:
Love People:
- For upcoming next steps in your discipleship journey; like Baptism or serving. Sign up online at Church Center/ the website.