More than Words: What God really wants – (Week 1)
Preacher: Daniel Erasmus
Worship and check-in: As you worship together as a group, listen to Breathe by Hillsong before checking in. Share with each other one truth that you repeated in the past week; that moved from being head knowledge to your heart knowing who God is and his love for you.
Bible Readings: Romans 1:21-23; Deuteronomy 6:14-15; John 12:42-43; Hebrews 13:15; James 4:8; Matthew 15:3-9; Psalm 50:8-15; Matthew 15:3-9; Hebrews 10:22; Romans 12:1
Preparation and Discussion for Group Time:
Ps Daniel shared with us about God’s heart for worship and what it means for us who love Him. Worship is more than a service, more than just 3 songs we sing on a Sunday at church. You and I were created by God to worship Him. Worship is when we “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength. (Mark 12:20)
QUOTE: Because whatever we are worshipping, we will become obsessed with. And whatever you become obsessed with you begin to imitate and whatever you imitate you become.
- We were challenged with this statement: “We all worship something”. We were created to show our love for something. Worship is love expressed in what we value most.
- 1)Share truthfully what is it that you value most (no judging as we all have something we love doing, use this to get to know each other especially if you are new to the group).
- 2) Where is God on your list? We may still be worshiping God, but He may not be at the top of the list. Share with the group what was your response as you considered that question.
- Ps Daniel shared these 5 things with us that we exchange for true worship:
- 1) Substitution
- 2) Pride
- 3) Hedonism
- 4) Spectatorism
- 5) Tradition
Re-listen to the sermon at as a reminder of these points.
Discuss these points and share which of these you tend to exchange for true worship. What needs to shift (change) in your life?
- God truly wants 3 things from us:
- 1) To thank Him with sincere affection.
- 2) To offer Him control of our lives.
- 3) To include Him in our everyday life.
What do you need to surrender to make these three things possible?
- What God really wants is a relationship with you, me, us. Ask yourself these questions: Where is God? What is my view of God? Is He part of my daily life? Does He have control of all my life? Does God have my sincere affection?Share with the group where your relationship with God is and how you can create a more intimate relationship with Him.
Check out and Prayer:
Put on the song from the check-in time again, take the opportunity to listen and breathe, and then begin to give God thanks for who He is and for what He has done in your life.
Love God:
- Meditate on Mark 12:30 (NLT) “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.”
- For personal study check out the following devotions on YouVersion:
Love People:
- For upcoming next steps in your discipleship journey; like Baptism or serving. Sign up online at Church Center/ the website.