God, Why? “Why do bad things happen to good people?” – Week 2

Speaker: Daniel Erasmus

Worship: Listen to The Battle Belongs to You by Phil Wickham during group worship or your personal devotional time. The lyrics remind us that we are to “Pray First” – that fighting our battles is done on our knees and we are to surrender our concerns to Him. Take courage and hold on to the promise that while He is for you, who can be against you? There is nothing impossible for Him, all you need to do is surrender.

Check-In: Go around the group and share how last week’s message impacted your week. How does the knowledge of God’s unconditional love affect how you will view any battles you might face?

Bible Readings: Genesis 18:25; Numbers 11:13-15; Jeremiah 12; Ps 73:2; Psalm 73:11; John 16:33; Galatians 6:7-8; John 9:3; Genesis 50:20; Psalm 130:5-6; Psalm27:14; James 1:2-3; Romans 3:23.

Preparation and Discussion for Group Time:
Have you ever doubted the goodness of God? Or perhaps you found God to be unfair in certain situations you’ve endured. On Sunday Ps Daniel shared how many people in the bible felt the same way. David asked “Why” questions in the book of Psalms. In Jeremiah 12, Jeremiah wanted to know why the wicked prospered, and there are many more. But one question many worldwide, through the ages and even today, ask is “Why do bad things happen to good people?” This isn’t a question that is easily answered, Ps Daniel instead, encourages us to turn to God, seek Him, and allow Him to reveal His truth.

  1. Ps Daniel shared his “Why, God” experience on Sunday. (If you missed this, listen to Sunday’s message online). Many of us had or may have similar stories/experiences. There is a myth that explains the calamities we face because of some unrelated event. One biblical reason is that (1) We are victims of a broken world. We can’t avoid the fact that we’re living in a sin-stained world and Jesus even said in John 16:33 that we will have trouble in this world. Share with the group your story or experience that you have faced at the expense of someone else sin or the encouragement you draw from Jesus’s words in John 16:33.
  2. Another reason could be that (2) You brought it on yourself. This means that there are direct consequences for our sinful behaviours and disobedience. In Galatians 6:7-8 we learn that whatever we sow to please the flesh, we will reap destruction. Have any of you experienced the consequences of unwise decisions? Share what lesson you may have learned from this.
  3. There’s also the possibility that (3) Maybe God wants to do something GREATER in and through your life. We face certain challenges that can be God’s way of wanting to do something that will point back to God and who He is in our lives. We see Jesus mentioning this in John 9:3. Share with the group your thoughts on this statement. Share a story if you have experienced a challenge and seen God use it for your good and His glory. (See Genesis 50:20)

Check out and Prayer:
This evening’s discussion might have been difficult for some as you shared vulnerably. Take some time to pray for each other’s needs, hurts, and regrets. Pray for healing, restoration, and for God’s peace to reign in each one’s life.

Some may currently still face some disturbing circumstances acknowledge what they are facing and read Psalm 27:14 over them. Pray that the Lord will grant them patience during this period.

Love God:

Ponder on James 1:2-3 “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.”

For personal study check out the following devotions on YouVersion:

Love People:

  • For upcoming next steps in your discipleship journey; like Baptism or serving. Sign up online at Church Center/ the website.
  • Invite a mom to our Mother’s Day service on the 14 May where we’ll have a special guest speaker. Download an invite or pick one up at church.
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Edge Church

Edge Church – a place where you belong. We're a God-first, fun-filled family who loves well.