50 Day’s Series: Easter Sunday – Believe Again!
Speaker: Daniel Erasmus
Worship: During your time with God, spend a few minutes listening to What He’s done by Passion Music. As you do this, take time to remember what He has done on the cross. Make a commitment to daily take your relationship with Him to a deeper and more intimate level.
Check-In: Share one thing from Good Friday’s service about the 7 Truths of the Cross and which one you need to be reminded of.
Bible Readings: John 11:1-6, 11-26; Ephesians 1:19-20; John 6:28-29
Preparation and Discussion for Group Time:
- Read the account in John 11:1-6 about Lazarus’s death. Mary knew how much Jesus loved Lazarus and sent word for Him to come and heal him. We don’t need to work to earn His love for us, we need to know and experience His love for us by knowing Him. Share with the group your understanding of God’s love for you and how you can grow in it.
- We see in John 11:11-26 how Jesus explains to the disciples about the resurrection and their responses to Him. Do you BELIEVE that the resurrection of Jesus gives you the power to close the gap between the life you are living and the life you could live? What do you need to do daily for that to happen?
- Ps Daniel shared a story about Deaths Valley – it is a desert, and it was barren and dry. Then the rain fell and sometime later the seed that was dormant turned the dry desert into a beautiful field of flowers. There was so much potential beneath the surface. Read Ephesians 1:1-20. What seed is currently dormant in your life that you need God’s power to raise to life?
Check out and Prayer time: Share with the group one thing that you are going to do to live daily in the resurrection power of Jesus. Then go around the circle and pray for one another.
Love God:
For personal study, here are some suggested YouVersion and RightNow Media devotionals.
Love People:
- Share God’s love with those you have been praying for. Share with them what God has been doing in your heart and life and how much He loves us unconditionally.
- Winter is approaching and we often buy new things or do a clean out of our cupboards. Bring your gently used clothes for UTurn and help support those in need
- Invite someone who is new to the church to join at the Welcome Home Dinner on Tuesday 5 May at 18h30. You can help them register on Church Center or the website.