Palm Sunday: 3 Truths
Speaker: Daniel Erasmus
Worship: During your time with God this week, spend a few minutes listening to There’s nothing that our God can’t do by Passion Music. While in worship meditate on the words of this song and allow God to show you which area of your life you need to surrender to Him so that He can make a way for you. Remember that nothing’s too hard for Him.
Check-In: As you check in with each other; share with the group the commitment you’ve made regarding NextGen and the actions you have taken.
Bible Readings: Luke 19:46; Matt 21:21-22; Ephesians 3:16; Ps 23:3; Jeremiah 31:25; John 12:12-17; Ps 118:25; Ps 107; Zechariah 9:9, Phil 2:6-8
Preparation and Discussion for Group Time:
- We read in John 12:12-17 how Jesus entered Jerusalem on a colt (baby donkey) and the crowds were shouting HOSANNA! Ps Daniel shared with us that the meaning of HOSANNA is “SAVE NOW”. His first point in his sermon was “Save us now”! Share with the group when you last prayed a “Save us/me now” prayer?
- We see a “Save us now” prayer when we look at Ps 107 vs 4-8, vs 11-15, vs 18-21, and vs 26-31. Many of us cry out to God daily, laying our needs before Him. Do we, however, remember to include what God requires from us, as listed in vs 8, 15, 21, and 31? Meditate on this and consider how or if you’ve made God’s desire part of your prayer routine.
- In John 12:14-15 we find the sermon’s second point: “Don’t be afraid”. Palm Sunday is a reminder that we don’t need to be afraid because Jesus came to save us. Is there a situation that is causing you to be afraid/fearful? What are you currently trusting the Lord for in this season of your life?
- The final point Ps Daniel shared was “Not what we expected”. If we look at John 12:14-15 again and Zechariah 9:9, we see that Jesus arrived on a donkey/colt, totally not what anyone expected. In Phill 2:6-8 we also see Christ described as “Not what we expected” from a King but what we needed. Have you cried out to God and received an answer you did not expect but found to be something you needed?
Check out and Prayer time: Surrender those difficult situations to the Lord and trust Him to do what only He can do. Take time to pray for one another.
Love God:
For personal study, here are some suggested YouVersion and RightNow Media devotionals. You can also find the Easter Devotional on the website.
Love People:
- Encourage group members to attend our week of prayer at church this Holy Week. Thursday we will be breaking our fast together with the breaking of bread. Food will also be on sale.
- Invite those who don’t yet know Jesus to an Easter Service while committing them to prayer.