My Church!

Week 4: Tale of Two Trees

Worship: Listen this song from Sunday throughout the week or spend some time in worship at group Cornerstone by Hillsong. Acknowledge that He is our cornerstone and with us no matter what we are facing.

Check-In: Share with the group any next step you took this past week or how you sensed the Holy Spirit at work in any situation that you were facing.

Bible Readings: Anchor verse: Matthew 16:18 (NIV). Read the following Scriptures: Genesis 2:8-9; Genesis 2:16-17; Genesis 3:1-7; John 5:39-40; Romans 5:8; 1 Samuel 16:7; 1 John 5:3; John 14:15 (GNT); 2 Corinthians 5:14; John 3:17-18 (MSG) and 1 John 5:12.

Preparation and Discussion for Group Time:

  1. Daniel asked us a question in the sermon: “What is going to be my approach to God?” How does learning the difference in mindset of the Tree of Life vs. the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil challenge how you currently approach God? Share with the group your response to this question.
  2. As a group, have an honest discussion about whether you approach your Christian life with a mindset of duty or delight. Encourage each other with ways you can pursue your relationship with God vs. religion.
  3. Are there things in your past that have caused you to want to hide from God? Choices that you have made that hinder you from coming openly to Him. Share with the group any steps you need to take that will help you to openly come to Him.
  4. Of the three ways we heard to practically live in the Tree of Life – Fall in love with Jesus; Respond to sin with life; Guard my heart from going back – which is most challenging for you, and why?

Prayer time: Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any incorrect views of God as you have shared tonight and that you would see Him as a loving Father.

Love God:
Memorize 1 Samuel 16:7. Read this verse daily as a reminder that God looks at the heart, the internal, not the external.

For personal study, here are some suggested YouVersion devotionals:

Love Others:
Alpha: This is an opportunity for someone who is struggling with their faith to ask questions in a judgement free space at Alpha that starts on Monday 1 March online. Register by clicking here.

Use the invite link on a Sunday to invite someone to join you to watch Church Online or invite them to your home to watch with you.

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Edge Church

Edge Church – a place where you belong. We're a God-first, fun-filled family who loves well.