My Church!

Week 3: Pursuing Jesus!

Worship: Listen this song from Sunday throughout the week or spend some time in worship at group This I Believe by Hillsong Worship. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to fill you afresh.

Check-In: Share what practical step you took this week to grow in one of these areas this week: passion for prayer; passion for praise and worship; passion for people.

Bible Readings: Anchor verse: Matthew 16:18 (NIV). Read the following Scriptures: Acts 19:1-2; Jeremiah 29:13; Romans 8:9; Romans 12:11; 2 Corinthians 13:14; Galatians 3:26-27; 1 Corinthians 2:9-10; 1 Corinthians 2:4-5; Matthew 7:7-8; Acts 8:5-12 and Acts 8:14-17.

Preparation and Discussion for Group Time:

  1. Share with the group any misconceptions or fears you’ve had about the Holy Spirit. Where did those ideas originate, and how do you view the Holy Spirit at this point in your faith?
  2. When you think of the Holy Spirit, what words come to mind to describe Him? How can an intimate friendship with the Holy Spirit impact your daily life?
  3. Discuss what the power of the Holy Spirit is and why it is so important for you to walk in that power once you’ve decided to follow Jesus.
  4. There were 3 Baptisms that Daniel spoke about. Baptism of Salvation; Water Baptism and Baptism in the Holy Spirit. Share with the group a next step you need to take in one or more of these discipleship steps.

Next Step: Whether your relationship with the Holy Spirit is new or you’ve known Him for a long time, you need to continually move forward and grow closer to Him.

Get to know the person of the Holy Spirit. Make regular communication with Him a part of your daily life. Throughout your day, share your thoughts, desires and feelings with Him, and seek Him through His Word.

Be sure to spend time in worship, the Word and prayer every day to better your understanding of the Holy Spirit

Prayer time: Pray for one another’s next steps, and to live empowered daily by the Holy Spirit.

Love God:
Memorize Romans 12:11. Read this verse daily and ask God to fill you so that you can live with zeal and spiritual fervor in your daily life.

For personal study, here are some suggested YouVersion devotionals:

Love Others:
Alpha: This is an opportunity for someone who is struggling with their faith to ask questions in a judgement free space at Alpha that starts on Monday 1 March online. Register by clicking here.

Use the invite link on a Sunday to invite someone to join you to watch Church Online or invite them to your home to watch with you.

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Edge Church

Edge Church – a place where you belong. We're a God-first, fun-filled family who loves well.