RESET: Starting Again!
Purpose: To start again, readjust, reset, to realign to God and a new direction/reality.
Worship: Listen to the song throughout the week or at group “Glorious Day by Passion Music”. Spend time talking to God about the freedom He has brought to your life when He called your name.
Check-In: Share what God has spoken to you from your quiet time in the past week.
Bible Reading: Read John 1:42; Luke 22:61-62; John 21:15-17; Philippians 3:13; Luke 15:17-24.
Preparation and Discussion for Group Time:
- Share what God spoke to you from these verses and from the Sunday sermon, that you will take into your week.
- Pedro spoke about Peter “The Rock” and how he pressed the reset button on his life. Peter’s initial encounter with Jesus was so radical that he dropped everything to follow Him. But later he denied Jesus and went back to his old ways (fishing). His “press reset” and restoration story is told in John 21:1-19. What does pressing the “reset button” in your life mean in order to be “recommissioned” by God and to His call on your life?
- How have you allowed your past to derail your future? What do you need to leave behind or to change so that you can move forward in your journey with God and others?
- What is the current state of your relationship with God and others? Do you have a broken relationship with someone that you need to make right?
- Pedro called on us to realign to a new direction in a new era that God has brought us into as a Church. In what ways can you realign to this?
Check out and Prayer time:
“Success is not final; failure is not fatal. It is courage to continue that counts.” Winston Churchill
“The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling; but rising every time you fall.” Nelson Mandela
Jesus recommissioned Peter in John 21:15-17. Share what God has spoken to you about surrendering your past, renewing your calling and re-committing your life afresh to all God has for you.
Commit to praying for each another daily in the coming week.
Personal, your 1-one-1:
- Invite your friends and family to join you at church in-person or at your home for church online
- You can book a seat for you, your invited friends and family by using this link
There are so many areas of brokenness in our city – people are crushed by unemployment and homelessness; kids are affected by poverty and injustice. As Christians, we aren’t just to be witnesses to this, but we are to be participants in God’s redemptive story in addressing these issues practically. In this way we can express His love and demonstrate our gratitude to God by using our abilities and our resources to be a blessing to others.
Are you keen to be a part of a team that explores how we as a church can do this in our everyday lives, and how we can partner with other organisations to express God’s heart for others?
Our first endeavour will be to consider some 2020 opportunities as we head towards Thanksgiving Service and our Christmas season.
You may want to assist in the planning for just this 2020 season, or you may want to consider being a part of a longer-term biblical justice focus for Edge Church.
If so, please make contact with Rozanne to explore involvement.
Daily Practices to follow:
Memorize John 21:17 (NLT). Read this verse daily, and journal what God is saying to you about your relationship with Jesus.
For personal study, here are some suggested YouVersion devotionals: