What about them?
Second Chances Week 4
Purpose: The book of Jonah shows us that God is a merciful and gracious God towards ALL people, even when we are disobedient. The purpose of this session is to increase the unconditional love and compassion that we show to all people.
Worship: Listen to the song throughout the week or at group “Goodness of God” by Bethel Music. Take time to spend in worship acknowledging God’s goodness and faithfulness to you and how you can show that to others throughout your day.
Check-In: Share how you were able to extend God’s mercy to others in the past week.
Bible Reading: Read Jonah chapter 4 in various translations, Psalm 116:5, Matthew 6:14-15, Romans 8:28.
Preparation and Discussion for Group Time:
- How has God been challenging you through the Book of Jonah? Which week’s message has made the biggest impact and why?
- What does this story in Chapter 4 reveal about Jonah’s heart and God’s passion to reach out to all people?(Psalm 116:5) Share a time when you, like Jonah, became angry at God over what seemed like an unjust situation or when He didn’t do what you wanted Him to do. How can you resolve your anger with God?
- Jonah was thankful to God for his second chance yet resented that the people of Nineveh believed and repented. Are you holding unforgiveness or resentment towards someone or do you need to ask someone for forgiveness? Share with the group what it looks like for you to forgive unconditionally. (Matthew 6:14-15)
- What would people in our communities see if our church and your life group were known to be people who forgive and love unconditionally?
- Life is not about us. God’s heart is ALWAYS for others. We have a choice to make – life can be all about us, our ministry, our possessions, our people. Or we can respond to God’s heart, which is for all people, especially those who are far from Him. What action step can you take this week in response to your choice?
Check out and Prayer time:
We suggest that you break bread together to remember all that God has done for us (Luke 22:19).
Then pair up and share what you are asking God to do in your heart to increase your love and compassion for others.
Take time to pray with and for one another for God to do the heart work and for courage and commitment to take the action steps you mentioned in question 5.
There are so many areas of brokenness in our city – people are crushed by unemployment and homelessness; kids are affected by poverty and injustice. As Christians, we aren’t just to be witnesses to this, but we are to be participants in God’s redemptive story in addressing these issues practically. In this way we can express His love and demonstrate our gratitude to God by using our abilities and our resources to be a blessing to others.
Are you keen to be a part of a team that explores how we as a church can do this in our everyday lives, and how we partner with other organisations to express God’s heart for others?
Our first endeavour will be to consider some 2020 opportunities as we head towards Thanksgiving Service and our Christmas season.
You may want to assist in the planning for just this 2020 season, or you may want to consider being a part of a longer-term biblical justice focus for Edge Church.
If so, please make contact with Rozanne to explore involvement.
Personal, your 1-one-1:
- Invite your friends and family to join you at your home for church online
Daily Practices to follow:
Memorize Proverbs 19:21 (MSG). Read this verse daily, and journal what God is saying to you about your life and then ask God for His plans to prevail in your life.
For personal study, here are some suggested YouVersion devotionals: