Becoming People of the Second Chance!

Second Chances Week 3

Purpose: The book of Jonah shows us that God is a merciful and gracious God, even when we are disobedient. The purpose for this session is to grow in showing God’s mercy and grace towards others.

Worship: Listen to the song throughout the week or at group “Way Maker by Leeland”. Take time to spend in worship acknowledging God’s presence in your life and that He is the one that can make a way in any situation.

Check-In: Share how you have been able to make your prayer life more meaningful in the past week.

Bible Reading: Read Jonah chapter 3 in various translations, Jonah 4:1-4; Ephesians 2:1-10 (MSG); Romans 3:23-24; Philippians 4:6 and 2 Timothy 2:13.

Preparation and Discussion for Group Time:

  1. As you read Jonah chapter 3, what did God speak to you from these verses and from Sunday’s message that you have taken into your week?
  2. Read Jonah 3:1, this verse doesn’t actually highlight the inadequacies and failures of Jonah, that God had to speak again, but instead it highlights the amazing patience and faithfulness of God, that He would ask again. (Philippians 4:6; 2 Timothy 2:13). What has God asked you to do for a “second time”?
  3. When Jonah obeyed and delivered God’s message there was an incredible and immediate response. How does this motivate you to connect with people far from God?
  4. Read aloud Ephesians 2:1-10 from The Message. Stephen shared two points: mercy and grace was given TO me so that mercy and grace can extend THROUGH me. In what ways have you experienced His love and mercy? How can you show His love and mercy to others?
  5. Last week we made a list of those who are far from God that we are praying for. Stephen shared the real reason why Jonah ran away from doing what God asked him to do- they were a group of people who he struggled to show mercy to. Which groups of people do you struggle to pray for or connect with? (Jonah 4:1-4). Share with the group the shifts you need to make in your own life and heart so that you can align your life with God’s plans and purposes for all people.

Check out and Prayer time:
Spend time praying prayers of gratitude for His grace and mercy shown to you.

Then pray for those on your list that are far from God. Name them as you pray!

Perhaps put the names on a piece of paper and put them in a jar that you can ‘see’ them and pray each week at group.

Ask God for His mercy and grace to reign in your heart and in your interactions with others.


Personal, your 1-one-1:
We are here to join in on God’s work – bringing lost people back home. Telling the world about His love and grace for them and extending 2nd chances as often as we need to.

  • Mercy and grace TO me.
  • Mercy and grace THROUGH me.

Who, in this week coming, do you need to extend mercy and grace to?


  • For those who are struggling to find employment and for financial provision.
  • For healing for those facing illness (especially cancer) and COVID.
  • For our matric students as they write exams.
  • For wisdom for the leadership as we look at gathering again across ministries.
  • For our President and Government for wisdom in leading our Nation.


  • Invite your friends and family to join you at your home for church online
  • Consider contributing towards the COVID Relief Fund.
  • Make a meal for someone in need in your community.
  • Consider volunteering at UTurn or buying vouchers to handout.

Daily Practices to follow:

Memorize Romans 3:23-24 (NLT). Read these verses daily, and journal what God is saying to you about your life and the grace and mercy He has extended to you and through you for others.

For personal study, here are some suggested YouVersion devotionals:

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Edge Church

Edge Church – a place where you belong. We're a God-first, fun-filled family who loves well.