There is a Jonah in all of us!
Second Chances Week 1
Purpose: The book of Jonah shows us that God is a merciful and gracious God, even when we are disobedient. The purpose for this session is to challenge ourselves about our obedience to God’s call on our lives in this new season.
Worship: Listen to the song throughout the week or at group “As you find me by Hillsong United”. Take time to be still and then talk to God about His love for you and your love for Him.
Check-In: Share what God has been saying to you from your devotional time in the past week.
Bible Reading: Read Jonah chapter 1 in various translations, John 1:1; Psalm 86:15; Romans 8:28
Preparation and Discussion for Group Time:
- Think about the things God is asking you to do right now. Are you obeying Him or trying to run away? What steps will you take this week to be obedient to do this and to stop running away from what God is asking you to do? Consider being obedient by forgiving someone who has hurt you, or ending a dating relationship that is not healthy.
- Why did Jonah tell the sailors to throw him into the sea and what does Jonah’s confession reveal about his heart? Share with the group why you may be reluctant to acknowledge your disobedience to God and make a heart shift to change.
- What does God’s pursuit of Jonah reveal about God? How does this fact about God impact you personally?
- Sometimes, we forget we are not in control of our lives (or is that just me?!). How can we see God in control in Jonah´s journey? What do you need to do to give God complete control of your life?
- God may send a storm to get your attention. What storms are you facing that may be God’s way of getting your attention and giving you a second chance to obey Him?
Check out and Prayer time: Break up into pairs and pray for one another. Take this opportunity to make a fresh commitment to live a life of obedience to God’s call as followers of Jesus.
Personal, your 1-one-1:
- Who or what is currently your Nineveh? Have you refused to share God’s message of mercy and grace with them because of fear, bitterness, judgment, or something else? Confess your disobedience to God and receive His grace to obey. Forgive your enemies and pray for them. Ask God to give you another opportunity to share His message of love and grace.
- Invite them to join you at your home for church online
- For those who are struggling to find employment and for financial provision.
- For healing for those facing illness and COVID.
- For wisdom for the leadership as we look at gathering again across ministries.
- For our President and Government for wisdom in leading our Nation.
Many things have returned to ‘normal’, but for many of us this is not the case. How can we continue to practically come alongside one another to meet the needs of those around us?
- Provide meals to those you know are struggling to make ends meet.
- Provide groceries as a group to those in your world.
- Continue to support the COVID relief fund financially as we sow into the organisations that we have come alongside in this time.
Daily Practices to follow:
Memorize Romans 8:28 (NLT). Read this verse daily, and journal what God is saying to you about how He is working all things for our good no matter what we are facing.
For personal study, here are some suggested readings and YouVersion devotionals: