Purpose for the session: To allow our hearts to be broken by what breaks God’s heart.

Worship: As you prepare for group, listen to the song “Here again” by Elevation Worship. Pray back to God what you it means for Him to meet you where you are at.

Check-In: Share one thing you celebrated about someone else’s life this past week.

Bible Reading: In preparation for group, read Habakkuk 1:1-5, using various translations; Luke 10:25-37 Listen to the overview of The Book of Habakkuk by clicking here: The Bible Project.

Preparation and Discussion for Group Time:

  1. When was the last time you had this kind of honest conversation with God about something you wanted an answer to, like Habakkuk did? Why do you think God expected that Habakkuk would be shocked by His response?
  2. In what area of your life are you struggling to wait on God’s timing, frustrated by His lack of answers or confused by apparent injustice?
  3. How has waiting on God’s timing affected your attitudes toward God and the circumstances?
  4. When people suffer because of discrimination, violence and injustice, how do you feel?
    Share a story from your life about your own experience of discrimination or violence. (Remember the ground rules and values especially regarding confidentiality and respect. Listen to each other’s stories without interruption. This is not a time for debate or comment on other’s stories. End this time with a check out- a one word answer to the question “How do you feel about what you’ve heard here?”)

In Luke 10:25-37 we read the story of the good Samaritan.

  • How will you allow your heart to be broken today for what breaks God’s heart?
  • Consider how you can practically be God’s hands and feet to those around you in a broken world.

Check out and Prayer Time: Aligning our lives and actions with God to see His plans and purposes prevail is putting things in the right order. Share what needs to shift in your life to do this.

It is time for us to pray for one another, for our nation and the injustices in our country and world, with passion to see God move and for change in our hearts.

Make time daily as a group to connect and pray.

Daily Practices to follow:
Memorize Psalm 103:13. Write out the verse or copy and paste it so you can see it regularly throughout the day.

  • Read or recite the verse and repeat throughout the day. Set a reminder to pray at different times throughout the day.

Here are some YouVersion Devotionals for you to consider:

Use silence and Worship as part of your daily time with God. We know that God speaks to us in the silence and that worship encourages us and uplifts our soul.

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Edge Church

Edge Church – a place where you belong. We're a God-first, fun-filled family who loves well.