The UpsideDown: Build Your Life on The Rock, Jesus
Purpose for the session:
To grow in building healthy relationships with God and people.
As you prepare for group, listen to the song “Way Maker” by Leeland and pray back to God something you know of Him to be true.
Share what is the dominant emotion you are currently experiencing.
Bible Reading: Matthew 7:24-27 (MSG); Matthew 16:16-18 (MSG); Proverbs 3:5,6 (NLT)
Preparation and Discussion for Group Time:
- Read Matthew 7:24-27 (MSG). Jesus refers to obedience to His teachings as being like building a house on a solid foundation. Think of one of His teachings that will build your strong foundation as you practice it.
- In Matthew 16:16-18 (MSG), Jesus says He will build His Church. And the gates of hell (even the Corona virus!) won’t stop Him.
- What is God saying to you about how you are to be the Church in these uncertain times? 3. What ‘home improvements’ has Jesus been speaking to you about regarding your relationship with Him?
- Share some creative ways you are using to stay connected to others in this time.
Check out and Prayer Time:
Share one thing that you have been encouraged to do from this discussion in growing healthy relationships with God and others in this time. Take time to pray in the group for God to help you take this next step.
Some practical things we can do:
- Know someone who is alone? Call them once a week to chat.
- Offer to do shopping for those who are elderly or unable to shop.
- Support those who are helping those who are vulnerable or homeless by giving or volunteering with Mercy Aids, U-Turn Ministries, Aslan and Locals Helping Locals. Check our social media posts or drop us an email.
Daily Practices to follow:
We’ve been reminded again of the importance of worship and its value in tough times. Listening to worship songs shifts our focus from ourselves and our fears to God. Here is a compilation of worship songs for you to use in having an extended worship time with God. Click the to see the list.
Connect daily in the Word by using a plan from YouVersion.
- By YouVersion.
- by YouVersion.
Read Proverbs 3:1-10 and write out in your journal, adding your name as a personal word to you from God. Memorize Proverbs 3:5,6.
Silence: spend 2-5 minutes not only at the beginning of your time with God, but throughout the day, to refocus your heart on God and taking Him into your ‘everyday’. Use this time to reflect on who God is and what He is busy doing in your life.