Holding on to Hope! Responding to the Corona Virus (Covid-19)

Purpose for the session: To remind us of the Hope that we have in God and the need to share our hope with others, including those in our Life Group.

Worship: Listen to the song “Won’t stop now” by Elevation Worship. Pray for the miracle that you are trusting God for.

Check-In: Share one hope and one fear that you are experiencing.

ible readings: Matthew 14:24-27; Psalm 121(MSG); Matthew 9:36 (TPT); Psalm 34:4; Isaiah 41:10

Group Discussion:

  1. In Matthew 14:25-27 we have the account of Jesus coming to the disciples walking on water. Read this in a time of silence.
    • Share with the group what words stood out to you from these Scripture verses.
    • What do you need from God and each other in order to have courage as you face 21 days of lockdown?
    • Jesus spoke to the disciples – what is He saying to you that calms your fears? 
  2. Read Psalm 121. Share with the group what you are placing your hope in at present. 
  3. Jesus had compassion on those around Him (Matthew 9:36) What could your compassion for others look like in this time of uncertainty? Consider for you personally and as a group. Keep it practical and simple so you can encourage one another to do it daily.

Check out and prayer time:  Pray Isaiah 41:10 as a personalized message that God is saying to the group at this time.

Others:  Some things we can do to serve others at this time:
• We can continue to pray at 1pm for 1 min for one person (1 one 1) who we want to come to know Jesus, and consider how we can go deeper in our prayer life for others.
• We can shop for an elderly or vulnerable person when we go to the shop.  • We can share our resources with those who are in need.
• We can encourage those who are fearful in this time. 

Ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you daily – allowing His presence and activity around you to show you how to pray specifically and give you wisdom in connecting with others.

Daily Practices to follow:

What does meditating on Scripture look like in your daily time with Jesus? • • Memorize Psalm 34:4. Write out the verse or copy and paste it so you can see it regularly throughout the day.
• Read or recite the verse and repeat throughout the day. Set a reminder to pray at different times throughout the day. 

Look up as many promises as you can find in the Bible to encourage yourself and others.
• Find the first and last promise in the Bible.
• Write out a few of these promises in your journal each day. 

Read a Psalm every day.
• Add your name into the Psalm and change the pronouns as though God is talking to you personally.
• Write out your personalized Psalm in your journal.

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Edge Church

Edge Church – a place where you belong. We're a God-first, fun-filled family who loves well.