This is a Move! Upwards!

Purpose for the session:
To surrender the things that are a barrier to God moving in our lives.

Bible readings:
Ecclesiastes 3:6; Genesis 50:20; Hebrews 12:1; Joel 2:12-13; John 20:22-23 (MSG); Ephesians 4:31-32 and Psalm 139:23-24.

Listen to the song “This is a Move” by Tasha Cobbs. Consider your life, where are you desperate to see God move. Pray that back to God asking Him to move in your life.

Share where you have seen God at work in your life in the past week as you’ve asked Him to move in certain areas that have been holding you back.

Group Discussion:

  1. What are you needing to throw away for God to move in your life? Share this with the group. (Ecc 3:6)
  2. Joseph had many disappointments, yet we see his response to his brothers in Genesis 50:20. Consider what disappointments, sins, hurts, hang ups or offenses (Hebrews 12:1), may be a barrier to God moving in your life.
  3. Share with the group where you need to forgive someone for these disappointments, judgements, old mindsets and unkind behaviour. Read Ephesians 4:31-32 and John 20:22-23 (MSG). 
  4. Read Joel 2:12-13. What shift do you need to make to return or drawer closer to Jesus in this new era of ‘move’? 
  5. Where do you see God already at work in your life that you need to respond to?

Check out and prayer time:
Re-read Joel 2:12-13. Take a moment of silence as you let go of the things that you have surrendered. Pray around in a circle and ask God to help you to leave the things you have surrendered at His feet. Ask Him to create a clean heart in you.

This week plan to do acts of kindness to others, just as Joseph did for his brothers. It’s in these moments of kindness where we get the opportunity to speak to people who we are building relationship with about Jesus. Invite them to join you at a Church Service this coming Sunday.

Going deeper during the week:
Journaling is a good way of engaging with the Word to create a space for change to take place. Re-read the scriptures above, find other scriptures that encourage us to renew our minds and to shift our hearts back to Him. As you read Psalm 139:23-24 ask God to do an inventory on your heart and mind as you have begun to surrender to Him the things that hold you back.  Here is a devotional on how when we surrender to Jesus, He changes us in a moment, but we are still being changed every day to become more like Him. This devotional deals with the everyday, ordinary changes that we all face in becoming more Christ-like. 

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Edge Church

Edge Church – a place where you belong. We're a God-first, fun-filled family who loves well.