Easter 2020: Greater Love/The Resurrection brings Hope

Purpose for the session: To consider the impact of His death and resurrection on our daily lives.

Check-In: Where do you see God busy working in your life in this lockdown time?

Breaking of Bread: Prepare beforehand to each have a cracker/piece of bread and some juice.  Play the song “What a Beautiful Name” by Hillsong Worship in the background (you can play this over your Zoom meeting). Read Matthew 26:26-28 and then break bread together as we remember what Jesus did on the cross for you.

Bible readings: Good Friday: John 19:17-37 (NIV); Isaiah 53:3-12 and John 15:13.

Easter Sunday: John 20:11-18 (MSG); Deuteronomy 31:8 and 1:30.

Group Discussion: 

 Good Friday:

  1. Read John 19:17-37 (NIV). Barbie spoke about 3 truths that we can hold onto with joy and hope during the darkness and sorrow of Good Friday and our current personal circumstances.
    • God is faithful and with us.
    • Love was displayed on the cross. 
    • Forgiveness is concrete. 
  2. What is God saying to you for your life and for those you are praying for from these truths as you meditate on them?  2. In what ways has Jesus’ death impacted your life?

Good Friday:

  1. Pedro read John 20:11-18 (MSG) and asked us to be present in the encounter that Mary Magdalene had with Jesus on that resurrection Sunday.
    • What are some of the things that Jesus notices about Mary in this passage? What do we learn about Jesus from this? 
    • Mary was unaware that Jesus was standing next to her. How can you increase your awareness of Jesus being with you in your daily life? 
  2. Jesus instructed Mary to go and tell the disciples that He is alive. Share with the group how you can tell others about the hope that you have because of the resurrection of Jesus. Consider how you can show this hope in practical and relevant ways.
  3. In what ways has Jesus’ resurrection impacted your life?

Check out: worship and prayer time: 

Listen to the song “Glorious Day” by Passion Worship before the life group session. Take time to remember what God has done for you.  During the session: pray back to God one thing that you are grateful for because of Jesus’ death and resurrection.


Pray this week:

• For our Government and its Leaders, for God’s wisdom in this time.
• For the Church (us) that we will depend on God as our source of hope and peace.
• Invite others to listen to the message from Easter Weekend: Podcasts: edgechurch.co.za or on YouTube – subscribe to the Edge Church channel.

Daily Practices to follow:

Memorize Isaiah 43:1, Isaiah 49:16, Deut 31:8 and Deut 1:30. Write out the verse or copy and paste it so you can see it regularly throughout the day.

• Insert your name into the Scriptures so that you are aware that God is speaking directly to you.
• Read or recite the verse and repeat throughout the day. Set a reminder to pray at different times throughout the day. 

Struggling to find a rhythm for your daily time with Jesus? Here are some practices that can help you create a habit. Do this as you prepare to spend time with Jesus daily.

• Find a quiet place to sit.
• Prepare yourself by taking a moment to let go of the things that are consuming your mind.
• Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breath out.
• Sit in silence for 2 mins (set an alarm), focus your breathing, focus your thoughts on the silence.
• Pray to God the things on your heart – surrendering these things to Him.  • Read Scripture (start somewhere: if you aren’t reading anything, read the Gospel of John)  o Consider what God is saying to you from the scripture you have read and write that in your journal. Personalize it.
• Pray, thanking God for who He is and what He’s done for you.

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Edge Church

Edge Church – a place where you belong. We're a God-first, fun-filled family who loves well.